Saturday, January 1, 2011


Even the date looks like a real "new beginning". But I am not fooled because 1/1/11 is simply the day before 1/2/11. And nothing really is new.

Not that I want to be the party-pooper. I think if you want to set up a list of goals to achieve this year, then you should go right ahead. But I think you should know going in that it is going to be just like last year. On or around the 8th, you'll be done with it. Just like how half of the women I saw at the gym at 6:00 a.m. (yes you read it right) will be absent on the 9th. Permanently. Never mind that they asked their family to get them a gym membership for Christmas. Never mind the enthusiasm they felt once they opened the gift box with the membership card bearing their name in gold. Never mind the hand weights and running shoes and really cute workout clothes that they threw out the gift receipts for because they were definitely NOT going to be returned. Never mind the joy and excitement of true resolve they felt the night before the first workout - gym bag packed and workout clothes laying neatly on the chair ready to jump into. Never mind how they happily they set the alarm for 5:15 a.m. and popped off the light with the knowledge that tomorrow morning, when that alarm went off, their lives were going to be different. Never mind that they have "resolve".

Because I am here to tell you that this is what "resolve" looks like at 5:15 the next morning:

Yes, there it is in living color. And I post it because someone must step forward and tell the painful truth. And I have lived this truth over many, many January firsts.

So go ahead and make your plans. Write your lists and post them on the wall above your desk. Or bathroom mirror. Or refrigerator. I will not join you this year. I know the poison of January 8th when all resolve dissolves leaving me to feel like such failure. I have made no resolutions to "begin anew" on January 1, 2011. I am not going to subject myself to this known catastrophe cycle again.

This year is going to be different! This year my real resolutions begin on January 9th.

And then, I will finally have my success! I can tell. I feel resolve.

Happy 2011.


  1. Well, I relate profoundly to the feelings expressed in the first pic.

    I have too many online IDs to know which to pic to sign this.

  2. That is so funny and I am with you sistah! (And I can literally mean that.) I too made no such resolutions. This year I am starting this year's new year's resolutions next year. That will give me plenty of time to think about them and plan for them and modify them and subtract and add to tem and myabe get rid of some of them. WTF? I just want to post this and I have to pick a profile?
