Tuesday, February 4, 2025

This Christians View on Trump

When I was about 9 years old, my Grandma Maggie was visiting.  She came into my bedroom, sat on my bed, and told me about Jesus.  My parents were not religious.  We did not go to church.  But when she told me about him, I knew it to be true.

For nearly 60 years now, I have been a believer.  I have gone through seasons of doubt, but I have never stopped believing.  In fact, I believe that God has talked to me.  Not in a way that I actually heard anything, but a strong impression on my heart.  I strongly believe in the power of prayer.  I have witnessed and been given true, inexplicable miracles in my life.  If anyone wants to know about them, just ask.  

I am not a bible scholar.  I have read the bible - to greater or lesser degrees - throughout my life.  Sometimes I understand it.  Sometimes I do not.  But the tenants of my faith are those that would label me as "born again".  I am not ashamed to state that I am a born again Christian.

In 2016 and again in 2024, huge numbers of evangelical Christians supported Donald Trump to lead our
country.  He had the full support of most of our most nationally recognized faith leaders.  I could not understand this.  The thought of Donald Trump as our president filled me with fear.  Like I had put my


hand into a bag of spiders.

I understand that the primary reason in 2016 was his alleged stance on abortion as well as his support of Israel.  Not that his opponent was against Israel.  She was not.  But he promised to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, something his predecessors backed away from.  And with that, the Word was spoken, and evangelical leaders followed.  And with them, millions followed.

Trump had much bigger plans but a parade of cabinet members and advisors pulled the reigns in, as best they could.

In 2024, something much more sinister was happening.  Without saying it directly (although many of his supporters did), his campaign rhetoric smacked of messaging to a white, Christian nation.   And out came millions of Christians wearing MAGA hats and t-shirts saying:  Jesus is my Savior.  Trump is my President.  As though the two were a political team.

As Christians, we turn to our faith leaders to help us understand God and His word, and understand how we can honor God with our lives.  But there is a danger leaving all the answers up to our leaders.  Faith leaders are human, and a great many of those who have been most celebrated have fallen in disgrace by the trappings of notoriety, success, and wealth.  They have fallen to hypocritical and immoral behavior.  And haven't we all?  But remember that 1Timothy 3:1-7 is very detailed about what a church leader should look like and when he falls, what should be done.  Yes, we are to sincerely forgive, but those leaders need to be stripped of their leadership and not guide followers to the voting box.

My point is, in faith and in politics - and in life, take responsibility for your own beliefs!  Do the work and seek the truth!!

There are many things that have gone very wrong with this country that need immediate attention and change.  We have immigration problems.  We have corruption.  We have abuses.   And no one denies this.  Trump is a human being.  He is subject to error and mistakes. We are to pray for him.  But let me respond to this presidency from a biblical perspective.

Trump is NOT the new King Cyrus.  He did not create peace in chaos.  In fact, he is creating chaos and alienating our closest allies.

Trump is dismantling our government.   Jeremiah 23:1 says: "Woe to the shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture".   

Trump is surrounding himself with unqualified and dangerous "yes men" and women.  Proverbs 14:7 "Stay away from a fool for you will not find wisdom on their lips".  And to those who confirm these appointees, Proverbs 25:16:  "Like a muddied spring or a polluted well are the righteous who give way to the wicked".

Trump's antipathy toward immigrants and refugees is shocking.  Christians must see this.  Trump has consistently said that immigrants are are drug dealers and rapists and criminals and murderers and "losers" implying that all who come to this country for a better life and/or seek refuge are people to be feared.  Proverbs 16:28: "A perverse person stirs up conflict".  James 4:11-12: "Brothers and sisters, do not slander one another.  Anyone who speaks against a brother or sister or judges them, speaks against the law and judges it."  And to those who will not speak up for "the least of these": Psalm 101:5: "Whoever slanders his neighbor secretly, I will destroy".  Remember, the meek will inherit the earth.

Trump is going after anyone who had anything to do with July 6th rioters and his own prosecution and conviction.  Romans 12:9:  "Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written 'vengence is mine, I will repay', says the Lord."

Ask yourself, would you have given grace to Biden or Obama and stated that "we forgive", if either of them had made the "grab 'em by the pu**y" comment or had a close friendship with Jeffrey Epstein?

Would you have given grace to Michelle Obama or Jill Biden had they posed naked but for 6 inch heels for publication and would you have defended it by saying that it was "art" celebrating the beauty of God's creation?  I saw the photo.   I don't think God was on anyone's mind.  

And then his blatant lies, tax evasion, misuse of his own charity's funds, non-payment for services, and outright fraud (Trump University).  Really? Y'all are cool with this?

Did I cherry pick scripture?  Perhaps.  But it says what it says.  And I feel I could write a book.

Finally, yes, the bible also says to obey your rulers because God has given them their authority.  But when a leaders is asking us to abide by laws and philosophies and corruption that are not in sync with what God has said, does he expect us to line up with the political leader?  

I think not.  We must resist.  If nothing else, pray for God's will.  And only His.  Do not be deceived.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

The Color of Age

Well, after years of professional "couch potato-ing", I was awarded for my lack of effort, with the internationally recognized "double-arm bat wings".  Since then I have upgraded to general loose skin of the arms.

Don't be jealous.

I am by nature a modest person so I normally I wouldn't flaunt such an achievement but in this case, I have never been comfortable in long sleeves so I haven't the wardrobe to conceal it.

There are a few things I can do to partially mitigate the appearance but the years of couch potato-ing has kept me from developing the skills I need to do this.  Namely, exercise.  My husband literally walks around the house, working the muscles in his arms with 15lb weights several times a day so I always figured he was doing enough for both of us.  Imagine my surprise when I found it doesn't work that way.

I have beginner weights - 2 pounders - to help me get started.   Let me tell you - to exercise the biceps, triceps, and myriad of other muscles in the arms is painful and complicated.  Painful because waking them up after years of hybernation is not easy.  Complicated because it requires that you be aware of relaxing every other part of your body and not to strain your neck and back muscles to compensate.  My therapist (yes, I have one), tells me that I am not good at taking care of myself.  So I must continue with this practice.  Tomorrow. 

Completely unrelated but relevant to the topic of my arms, is a brand new development.

I am a very fair skinned individual and to my daily surprise, I am aging.  And seemingly overnight,  I have developed something called - I kid you not - senile purpula.  While not exclusive to fair skinned individuals, if shows up predominantly in people like me.  Mostly effecting arms, hands and legs (and sometimes under your eyes), it is caused when your skin becomes thinner and bruising happens right below he surface.  AND, bruising like this happens very easily.  You often don't have any idea what you did to cause the bruise.  In my case, it appears I get it from breathing.  And the color?  Deep purple!  Never my favorite color.

There is nothing dangerous about this.  But apart from some supplements you can take to help, there is no cure for it.  

So I've got to laugh about it all.

For the most part, I love my life and I do not feel old - even with knee, ankle, and hip surgeries looming in my future (arthritis).  The truth is, while I may not be good at taking care of myself, these things just don't keep me up at night.  Seeing what is naturally happening to my body doesn't make me happy but oh my God - there are so many more important things to worry about.  Like my memory.  And our future.

I have often thought about cosmetic help.  Getting braces again, tummy tuck, breast reduction, neck lift -  all of these have all been on my radar.  In fact, I had my eyelids done about 10 years ago and now they look like they did before the surgery.  Please understand, I am not against these procedures at all!  In fact, I'm not going to say that I will not have any or all of these procedures done sometime in the future but as the years go by, it seems less and less likely.

So to the high school Class of 1975, join me in accepting that our bodies are completely acceptable - warts and all.  We may be seniors but we are not old by a long shot. Focus on health, not youth.  Do what you can toward that end, even if you've just started.  And do not be ashamed to let those bat wings fly!