Monday, June 21, 2010

Today is My Birthday and I Am Forty-Thirteen!!!

How can this baby be 53? This photo is of me when I was about a year old and also, apparently, a little boy. I have been staring at this photo - and wondering how it is possible that I have had a whole life between the time this photo was taken and today, as I sit at my computer in my pink fluffy bathrobe with my cup of coffee and blackberry close beside.

There is comfort in knowing that everyone else from the high school graduating class of 1975 - yes 1975! - is also in their extremely late 40s. Or celebrating the 23th anniversary of their 30th birthday.

Or 53.

It really doesn't bother me to be 53. Much. But I have to wonder at the fact that it is highly improbable that I have another 53 in me. And that is weird - that one day, the world will actually spin - without me in it. Or rather, technically, with me in it - but 6 feet in it and not as an active participant.

So I have begun this personally significant morning ironically, by pondering my own mortality. But before I have a chance to go too deeply in the wrong direction, iTunes jumps in to save the day by presenting me with George Harrison, who reminds me: "Here comes the sun". (Doot 'n doo dah...)

As quickly as George can say "the ice is slowly melting" I am refocused on more productive thoughts and I think about what I am doing at this very moment - writing a post for my blog. It occurs to me that probably everyone of us has a book in us. My life has been a real roller coaster but the ride has been, for the most part, memorable. One year ago today, I was luxuriating at the Ojai Valley Spa with a day of treatments that had been given to me by my girls for my birthday. In this peaceful state of mind, reading a book called "The Dream Giver", I decided to start a blog to sort of put on paper all the things going through my head as I dealt with the loss of my job. I went home and googled "how to start a blog" and on June 22nd, posted my first entry. Along the way, I have picked up some readers who have, they tell me, related. And that is really great and validating. But the best thing about it is that I now have a years worth of personal reflections that my girls will have. And maybe it will mean something to them. I have a little handmade book of paper designs made by my grandmother in 1906 when she was 6 years old. And I treasure it. My kids may not care but I think they will. I would have given anything to have had something like this from my mom. Or my dad. Maybe he still will.

So today I am a year older and my blog is a year old. Maybe I'll keep writing until I am forty-twenty. Or maybe forty-thirty. And so, you may be thinking: "Oh will she ever shut up?" Well, so long as I am in my forties, no, apparently.


  1. Happy birthday Valri. My biggest blog fan is my son and I think it is always good for him to know what his mother is thinking.

  2. Hi Valri...I so enjoyed this post, my dear. My Birthday was Sunday and I turned 79...! YES! And here I am blogging and have been doing so since October, 2005...So, I hope you DO keep blogging because it will be a great legacy for your girls....
    I love that you have some precious momento's from family and I hope you will have more....!
    A belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY, my dear....!
    It's Naomi!

  3. Happy belated birthday my dear cousin. I am enjoying your blog this afternoon, but I am wondering what your parents where thinking with those shoes. Fortunately, I cannot be blamed for that. I hope you had a great day. Coming from someone who is 5 years older and thus much wiser, life gets better with age.

