To my right is a messy stack of notes and 3x5 cards and 6th-grade level reading material on China - Grace's 6th grade country project. A quick glance tells me that 1 of every 5 people is Chinese. Okay.
I have two half drunk, cold, cups of coffee, a paper plate, my iPhone, calculator, account book and so help me - a lone sock on my desk. And this is my view for the bulk of the day.
But outside, neighbors are putting up Christmas lights. And I have already scored with the Black Friday (yes, I went again) and Cyber Monday shopping sales. And so, Christmas is upon us. Okay.
Now not to be a party pooper - but I don't really feel up for it. The phrase we all hear repeatedly all our lives - "the older you get the faster time flies" - is no myth. It really does. If we all lived to be 1,000 I imagine years would seem like seconds, but as it is now, years seem like just a couple of months. So just a couple of months ago, I packed Christmas up. And so I'm not ready to take it all down again. Even though the girls want to put up the tree this Friday.
And as I am thinking about how the spirit of the season eludes me and what few things I still need to check off my list, I am hearing the nightly news in the background and about the numbers of people still jobless, losing homes, lining up at the food banks, living in cars or on the street. There is currently only 1 job for every 5 people who need one. And that is in this country. Nearly everyone in a third world country would consider the worst conditions here a luxury.
So I start thinking about Christmas and wonder what it really is, after all. About how far I (and frankly, most of us) have strayed from the point. I bet God cries at Christmas every year. Because Christmas has become about lighting your house, parties, and Macy's. Not that there is anything wrong with any of those things in and of themselves - but they really take precedence over anything else we think about. In fact, with the possible exception of Christmas Eve candle light services, it is probably all we think about.
And then I wonder if any of us has the courage to be completely selfless and dump Christmas altogether, be the hands of the one this holiday is supposed to actually be about in the first place, and do something substantial to change someone else's life for the better. Even if its just for Christmas.
Tough time to face the face we need to face.