Monday, November 15, 2010

I Want My Own Apartment

Yesterday, I posted this as my "status" on Facebook. Immediately I had several women (and one male friend with designs for a loft) chime in - all in agreement. Clearly, I hit a nerve. So I thought I would state a few more things that I want and see how well they all resonate.

1. I want my own apartment.
2. I want a doorman.
3. I want fresh flowers.
4. I want my laundry washed, dried, ironed, folded, hung and put away for me.
5. I want to do my own cooking.
6. I want to know how to cook.
7. I want my girlfriends (and guy friends) to come and have intelligent conversations with me.
8. I want my husband to arrive showered and shaved.
9. I want my husband to love to talk to me.
10. I want my husband to wear matching socks.
11. I want my husband to know how to fix or build anything.
12. I want my husband to be able to read my mind (when I want him to).
13. I want my children to be Mensa smart.
14. I want my children to think like me.
15. I want my children to want what I want for them.
16. I want my children to be just like me (without all the crap).
17. I want my work to be hard enough to be challenging but not so hard that it is stressful.
18. I want to travel the world.
19. I want to have my life mean something.
20. I want to know God really well.
21. I want more joy in my life.
22. I want every child to have a parent who loves them and cares for them well.
23. I want no one to be hungry.
24. I want everyone to have a decent roof over their heads.
25. I want good health care for everyone - somehow.
26. I want decent paying jobs for everyone who needs one.
27. I want a reasonable, working economy.
28. I want to trust a politician.
29. I want Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh to go away.
30. I want Gloria Allred to do away.
31. I want a great housekeeper once a week and I will keep it up the rest of the time.
32. I want my home to be organized and warm and when it gets too crazy I want a retreat.
33. I want my own apartment.

That should do it.

For today.

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