Tuesday, June 7, 2011

American Tragedy - Part II

In the interest of bipartisan balance, after criticizing Sarah Palin in my last post, Senators Anthony Weiner and John Edwards (a man I once supported!) are equally deserving of distain for being liars and idiots. With Edwards' recent indictment for a scandal that seems to have no end and Weiner's embarrassing tweet escapades, one can only shake their head and wonder how two such seemingly intelligent and respectable individuals could possibly think they could get away with such disgraceful and immoral behavior. Yes, they are only human but isn't that the point? Humans are not supposed to behave like pigs.


  1. It's an ongoing plot by both parties to win the White House next year. They parade dozens of idiots in front of us, so a mere "weak" candidate will look great by comparison when the election comes around.

  2. Yes, you're correct these two are a huge dissapointment to me as a staunch Democrat. I liked Edwards and believed Weiner had a shot at going way up the ladder. A tough, intelligent street fighter who, as it turns out, is as dumb as the rest of them. I think collectively the United States Congress and Senate has one brain between them, and that one is starting to get senile.
