Friday, February 1, 2013

32 Days In

Beautiful Winter View of Manitoba
What day is it?  I swear, life is so chaotic I feel like I'm in a perpetual hangover.

So I guess it's February first (seriously, I was thinking it was some sort of "Fool's" day - uh no, that would be April).  Nonetheless, I have had a brutal work week and now I am staring down a 36 hour tunnel to Super Bowl Ex-El-Vee-Eye-Eye (and if memory serves me correctly that would be 47??) It's hard to believe that I knew 8 years before the first Bowl.  And yet - the world turned.  I know the San Francisco 49ers are playing against a team that starts with a "B".  And we are hosting a Super Bowl Party.

Backing up, this past week - I was sent to a three-day sales training that was fairly fun and a nice respite from the grind of trying to hit my revenue numbers which requires regularly scheduled prayer.  The stress of it has brought on relapse of hypochondria - taking the form of whatever "disease du jour" catches my eye first when my computer opens to Yahoo.  A special call out to Dr. Bukont who renewed my prescription to anti-anxiety meds.  

But it was a tough week too since we welcomed a new very senior level account manager to our staff who has been in the industry quite a long while and brings what we used to call a "meaningful rolodex" to the table.  Unfortunately, her rolodex is comprised of names and numbers from the territory I have been working my ass off in all of last year and was finally seeing some traction on.  So, good corporate citizen I, with a well rehearsed smile, handed all my files and pipeline to the new girl.  Not that I had a choice.  I did not.  And I am now starting over - again - in Canada (yes, all of it), the eastern seaboard, down to New Jersey (minus New York), Maryland, Massachusetts, Delaware, DC, Virginia and West Virginia.  

Can anyone spell s-n-o-w-b-o-o-t-s?  

I visit Manitoba next month and so far, anyone I have mentioned this to has burst into laughter.  Something tells me it isn't because they are known for Comedy Clubs.  I am terrified.  I don't believe I have ever been in sub-zero temperatures.

But possibly more terrifying is the fact that 23 of our friends are coming to our house on Sunday.   Bob keeps saying the house is in "pretty good shape".  He must be referring to our house from the parallel universe.  I am gearing up for a day of ammonia solution cleaning because it is not in pretty good shape at all.  What it is is picked up.  But it is dirty and all the bedroom doors are shut and behind them are monsters.

Plus there is - the food.  And I can only imagine Costco the day before Super Bowl.  I will be there tomorrow to experience it first hand - after sticking needles in my eyes...

Add to all of this the guilt I feel for the friends we love and cannot invite.  Not that they are grieving - they're probably having their own Super Bowl Party - but I would have liked very much to invite them - and in many cases, we owe them an invitation.  Over owe in fact.  Like its been our turn to have them over for over a year.  Or two.  But we really don't usually have more than a couple of people at once - which is why, as Bob excitedly picked up the phone to continue inviting people I had to scream: "Noooooooo!!!"

"What?" he asks me.

"Look around you Bob.  How big does this room look to you? Does it look like it will accommodate 23 people?"

"Oh I can fit them in."

"No Bob we are not having 23 little boys in their PJs who will be comfortable sprawled all over the floor.  Nor can we set up chairs in front of the couch.  We can fit 10 to 12 maybe. So we are going to have to  spread this out into the living room as well. And we will fill that room with the rest of the group.  And that will work fine.  But do not invite anyone else. They will only be irritated that there is no place to sit and have a view of the game."

This new development (that being the realization that we do not live in a 4500 square foot, open concept floor-plan home), presented us with a new problem.  While it was fine to split the party into two rooms, the TV we have in the living room is a 10-incher hidden in a small console because I don't want to see a TV in my living room. Clearly that will not do so Bob brought out the big, old fashioned 36" TV that lives on shelving in our bedroom closet, and set it up in the living room.  But I am guessing that no one wants to come to our house to watch Super Bowl Ex-El-Vee-Eye-Eye on a 10-year-old color "TV set".  I could be wrong - no I couldn't be wrong.  So tomorrow I have to go to Sears and do the best I can on getting another wide screen flat TV - one that will ultimately replace the dinosaur in the bedroom.  And I suppose its time.  But there are other things I could spend my money on.

Like a down coat for Manitoba.

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