Friday, February 25, 2011


At last, proof arrived this morning - albeit wet from rain. We are - with this single, soggy document - validated and proven legal in all our marital obligations and benefits, such as they are 20 years later.

Now we just have to fax this over to the Screen Actors Guild Pension and Health offices so that they can include me in the family medical insurance package at which time I will be free again to indulge in unnecessary doctor appointments to satisfy my need to know that every hangnail is not a symptom of some deadly, too-late-to-cure disease. And of course there are the real doctor appointments too.

It is interesting to note however, that some of the information on this long awaited document is erroneous. For example, it lists the reason for termination of Bob's first marriage to be divorce - not death. And they list the dissolution of his marriage to have taken place on June 25, 1990, 4 months prior to Anne's passing. This mistake seems disrespectful to me and I can tell you that neither of us gave them that information. So I am led to believe that some clerk somewhere, maybe in a hurry to leave for a hot date, decided to just fill-in-the-blank as push it through without carefully looking at forms. But if this kind of sloppiness is okay with the State of California, it is okay for me - at least for now. Once I have my medical insurance though, I think I will go make them make the changes for accuracy. This in respect for Anne. Otherwise, I'm too old to care anymore.

So the saga is over. I still need to verify my divorce, but that can wait too. Let's not muddy the waters just yet.

Damn. I wanted that bridal registry.

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