Friday, May 6, 2011

Not Quite What I Had in Mind...

It was only yesterday that I was praying for an improvement in our financial situation. Well, perhaps a tiny morsel of encouragement came in today's mail. A residual check from two episodes of a sitcom called "Wings" that I did back in the 80's. The check reflected residuals due me for recent basic cable airings and home video sales. The net? $13.56. So that ought to pay for... hang on, I'll think of something. I know!! 2.79 gallons of gas. If I buy the cheap.

And I have to claim it on my unemployment form this week. Which will no doubt hold my payment up two weeks while I wait for a phone interview they will schedule to follow up with me so that they can make sure that no, this check is not a result of me getting a job.

Remind me of that old saying about gift horses?

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