Thursday, May 5, 2011

Um, Excuse Me God, But This Would Be Your Cue

My faith is being tested to the limit. I am waiting for what I have come to refer to as one of "God's 11th Hour Saves". After unemployment and excruciating taxes, we are down to what can only be called a code red level in our savings. And while Bob has hot irons a plenty in the real estate fire, nothing seems ready to move to the kiln. And there is nothing on the job front for me.

Don't get me wrong. We're not at code blue. We are paying our bills. There is food on the table. We own our cars and have greatly diminished our debt. But that big safety cushion? It is but an historical footnote. Because I think we paid General Electric's taxes with it this year. (But no, that couldn't be because General Electric owed no taxes this year. Silly me.)

So, while I am practicing deep breathing exercises, I choose to believe. I choose to doubt not. Why? Because God has never let me down. Never. As in never. And He is my rock. But...

Niggling in the back of my mind I am fighting the thought: "Well, there's always a first time." So I race to Google to find every scripture I can find on God's faithfulness and Hebrews 10:23 jumps at me: "Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful."

In the meantime, that which doesn't kill us, comes very, very close to killing us.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, He is faithful... AND He is a rewarder of those who do diligently serve Him... so my dear friend, continue steadfast in the faith, "make your requests known, with thankfulness"(phil 4:13)... and forget not all His benefits for YOU are the apple of His eye! Meanwhile, I will pray and believe with and for you.
    love LOVE,
    Barbara Simmons Gabaldon
