Thursday, August 12, 2010

Groupie Leanings

I am going to tell you something that no other respectable, married woman will tell you (and so I suppose, there you go...)

You can be completely in love with your spouse and still develop a serious , teenage crush on a musician in a band.

Which might explain why I don't go to concerts.

Not that I'm worried that ever I'd act on such a crush. The embarrassment of having succumbed to cougar tendencies aside, who wants to feel like a obsessed 17-year-old school girl again? So I don't know whether to be grateful or sorry that our friends Chris and Jack had to cancel their plans at the last minute and so offered Bob and me tickets they had purchased to see Jim Messina at the Canyon Club tonight.

Obviously we went (or why would I be writing this?) and I will just sum it up for you. Amazing. For the most part, I enjoy classical music and "pretty" melodies that soothe my soul. This band however plays some serious R&B and ol' time rock and roll with country leanings and the sounds were so hot I got all caught up in it but I gotta tell you - the bass player was hotter. And he's as old as me.

There is nothing like a really good bass player. And it doesn't hurt that this guy was what ladies from the south call "a tall drink of water". Blond curly hair, chiseled jaw, diamond stud twinkling in his right ear. See, bass players hold the rhythm - they sustain the pulse, they close their eyes and lose themselves in it - they move steadily and controlled to the beat, they get these intense grimaces on their faces, and they smile when it really comes together and you start getting the feeling that whatever it is they are experiencing is so highly personal that you really shouldn't be watching them.

So of course that is all you do.

So I ask you: Does it feel like 1975 to you? I mean my dizzy head is telling me it is but I know it can't be because they didn't have google in 1975 and I came home and googled the guy. (A cougar stalker!)

Anyway, Bob and I had a wonderful time tonight. And it all ends happily. Because my Bob can play guitar beautifully, and he sings and he dances and we came home and sang some harmonies and he got lost in his guitar and smiled when everything came together. And suddenly I crushed on him all over again.

Little "hair of the dog", as they say in the south.

1 comment:

  1. A tall "glass" of water? Made my night, Val.

    Strange that you're revisiting 1975 and thereabouts. I've just started a rumor on the internet about something KOMEing back from the 70's.

    Love your stuff. I wish Dinah Shore, Merv Griffin and Mike Douglas were still on the air, you'd be a great guest.

    Love you!

