Saturday, March 20, 2010

Dreams of Joan Jetson

With my hair freshly dyed (thank you L'Oreal "Lightest Auburn"), I just blew it out and I clearly need to pull out $75 bucks and go see Lisette again. It has grown to the point where it looks like a 1960's bubble Barbie hairdo - way outside the confines of "retro-chic". I just look like a Jane Jetson wanna-be, not in a good way.

And speaking of the Jetson's, where the heck is my robot maid that presses a button in the kitchen and gets me a beautifully prepared gourmet meal in a flash? To say nothing of the flying car I was supposed to have by now. And weren't the sidewalks supposed to move us? Ah, the future turned out to be such a let down.

So since the last post, I have not eaten anything past 7:00 p.m. And I cannot tell you how incredibly difficult that is! Bad habits die an excruciating death. Visions of Girl Scout Cookie Thin Mints and these amazing "cupcake balls" that I was introduced to yesterday at a baby shower and grilled cheese sandwiches danced like sugar plum fairies in my head. And rather than dance about it - which might have done me some good - I escaped from it and went to bed. At 9:00.

Now one might read this and think to themselves: "sloth". And maybe you'd be right but you know what? Shut up. Just shut up. Because I'm betting that the majority of people who face "get healthy" issues have the same problem. We just feel so overwhelmed with our lack of knowledge about how to do it that we just sit. Because we know it's not an one-size-fits-all kind of game. We know you can exercise - wrong. And we can eat healthy - wrong. And finding the way to what is truly healthy and good for you is not just about eat-less-move-more.
For example, I have planters faciitis as well as bad knees. I can actually do damage by doing some of the simple "no-brainer" kinds of exercises. Like extended walking. So how do you get around that?

Well today I had strawberries and a piece of toast for breakfast. And of course the staple - coffee. For lunch I need to go to the grocery store. But I am going to look online first to see if I can get some ideas.

Gosh, do you think that the fact that I am now working for a food magazine is a pre-destined gift from God? Maybe so. We're going to have a fresh and healthy focus. And delicious - which is critical. Now if I could only find the exercise program that feels like a swedish massage...

Look at Jane. She's loafing. She's being pampered. She is thin. And look at what she's eating!!!

I hate the Jetson's. They were just a big tease.

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