Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I received a paycheck today. The first one in 46 weeks. It was an emotional experience.

I took a break from my desk and walked down to the mailbox. There, among a clutter of mortgage re-finance come-on's, Victoria Secret Catalog (to the girls), Ann Taylor coupons (for me) and miscellaneous other junk, was an envelop from my employer - Beckett Media - with those cellophane windows I had forgotten about, and my name.

A pay check.

I just stood there and looked at it for a moment. I knew it was coming but I somehow hadn't expected it. I wasn't in a hurry to open it. I just wanted to stare at the envelop for a moment and be brought back into the "payday groove". And it made me smile. It felt g-o-o-d!

And then I felt thankful. So thankful. I walked back up the driveway and thought of several people I know, still out of work, and how much I wished they were having this experience right now.

Many months ago, I wrote of what I would do when I was employed again. Having experienced the uneasiness of not knowing from week to week what was going to happen I wrote: "Giving. There will be more of that".

Indeed there will be. And we should all be reminded to take nothing for granted.

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